Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Blotter: West Side Man Arrested for Kicking Woman, Toddler

CrimeZone3_RubalcavaStevenson Ranch / Westridge, Zone 3
Public Safety and Crime Prevention Info
Snap Shot 01/07/2013 – 01/13/2013.
Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station Crime Prevention Unit


This week Stevenson Ranch, Zone 3, had seven reported Part-1 crimes. Of those crimes, there was one assault, one petty theft, two vehicle burglaries, and three shoplifting incidents.

During a domestic dispute between a boyfriend and girlfriend, the suspect began kicking the victim while she was holding their two year-old son. While kicking her, the suspect kicked their son in the back. The suspect was located and arrested.

A petty theft occurred involving a purchase made on E-bay. Two vehicle burglaries occurred from the La Fitness parking lot. In both incidents the window was smashed. One purse was stolen after it was left visible behind the driver’s side seat.

Two males walked out of Wal-Mart after they failed to pay for two computers. Loss prevention saw them quickly exit the store, place the computers in a car and leave the parking lot. A male was arrested after he stole a TV from Wal-Mart. The suspect was seen running out of the store towards Jack in the Box where he was arrested.

While doing inventory at the Guitar Center an employee noticed a guitar was missing. They believe the theft may have occurred during the holidays.

Due to the recent burglaries occurring, make sure to always lock your doors and windows. Always LOCK your vehicles and DO NOT LEAVE PERSONAL ITEMS VISIBLE!

If you see any suspicious activity either close to your home or while you are out shopping, call the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station at (661) 255-1121 or 9-1-1 in an emergency.

For up to date information follow us on twitter and like us on Facebook.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Zone 3 (Stevenson Ranch), please feel free to email or call me directly.


Deputy Ana Rubalcava


Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department

661-255-1121 ext. 4283

Twitter @SCVSheriff http://www.twitter.com/scvsheriff

SCV Station Homepage – http://www.santaclarita.lasd.org

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/SantaClaritaValleySheriffsStation

Blotter: West Side Man Arrested for Kicking Woman, Toddler