Thursday, January 17, 2013

SCV Teens Get True Feel for Texting While Driving (Video)

Don’t text and drive.

That was the message that came to Valencia High School on Thursday in the form of AT&T’s “No Texting While Driving” Simulator.

The simulator , which was set up in the quad area, gave students a chance to find out what happens when texting plus driving goes awry.

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In the simulator, which is essentially a video game with a chair, steering wheel and pedals, the “driver” navigates about eight city blocks while realistic texts appear on the smartphone accompanying the chair, creating an “eyes-off-the-road” and “hands-off-the-wheel” experience of texting while driving.  A single experience can range from 30 seconds to four minutes, depending on how well the driver is able to maneuver around the obstacles while texting.

SCV Teens Get True Feel for Texting While Driving (Video)