Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Antonovich Miffed at Court's Decision to Free Serial Racist

Christopher Evans Hubbert | Photo: CBS

Christopher Evans Hubbert | Photo: CBS

[Supv. Antonovich] - The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s writ, which challenged the release of serial rapist Christopher Evans Hubbart to Los Angeles County, was denied Tuesday, Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich announced.

“The court’s ruling is very disappointing,” said Supervisor Antonovich.  “This court ignored the years of residency established in Santa Clara County and the fact that Hubbart has no family ties to Los Angeles County.”

The D.A. asserted that Hubbart has had no nexus to Los Angeles County since 1972 — with the exception of a brief two-month period when Hubbart was paroled to San Bernardino County but lived in Los Angeles County.

Hubbart is a violent sex predator believed to have raped as many as 40 women in a 10 year period.  He has admitted to raping 25 women in the Los Angeles area in the early 1970’s and an additional 15 were raped in the San Francisco Bay area in the early 1980’s.  His previous paroles were revoked numerous times due to assaulting women, his mental condition and threat to public safety.

The District Attorney’s Appellate Division is evaluating all available options in light of this ruling.

Antonovich Miffed at Court's Decision to Free Serial Racist