Amputee athlete Kevin D. Korenthal has been officially chosen as one of just 100 riders that will participate in the preeminent California multi-day, challenged athlete road cycling tour. The Million Dollar Challenge is a 620 mile journey down the California coastline from San Francisco to San Diego. This rigorous test of ability and stamina is sponsored by Dodge and the Challenged Athletes Foundation, an organization Korenthal has volunteered with for more than six years.
Korenthal approaches this challenge following a December 2012 vehicle vs. bike accident in which he sustained numerous injuries, including a broken right wrist, broken right tibia/fibula, a broken right scapula, a broken back, three broken ribs, two broken vertebrae in his neck, and a broken left femur. Few imagined at the time that just 4 short months later he would be accepting a challenge of this magnitude.
“I have closely monitored my situation and listened to my body and my doctors throughout the rehabilitation process and all signs indicate that I can do this”, said the 41-year-old cyclist, small business owner, husband and father of two.
“Thousands of wounded warriors and children born without limbs approach the Challenged Athletes Foundation every year in search of grant money to get them back on their feet. If my participation in this extraordinary event can raise just a few extra thousand dollars for those heroes, then all of the hard work and pain that will go into preparing for this event will have been worth it” he said.
The steel rod in Korenthal’s previously amputated leg is bent at a nearly 45-degree angle following his crash in December.
Korenthal has agreed work to raise $12,500 prior to Sept. 1, 2013. But with dozens of committed supporters giving to CAF on his behalf every year, that is likely to be the easy part. The injuries of Dec. 22, 2012, left Korenthal unable to walk, let alone ride a bike. But with the help of his excellent doctors, physical therapists, and his loving family, he is back on the bike and slowly increasing his weekly mileage. Nonetheless, a long road lies ahead as Kevin trains for what will represent the greatest athletic challenge of his life.
The event takes place from Oct. 12-18, 2013.
If you would like to assist Mr. Korenthal in helping wounded warriors and other limb-loss sufferers, please give generously to his efforts at More info available at
SCV Amputee Selected to Bike 620 Miles, S.F. to San Diego