Monday, April 22, 2013 | Spring Break Madness

Students all over the Santa Clarita Valley are excited to enjoy a week off from midterms, classes, and teachers. We took a second to canvas the campus at COC to find out what some students and faculty have planed for their week out of the classrooms.

One COC student , plans to spend her spring break using this time off to share in the festivities with her family in her home town of San Bernardino.  She says she might not be leaving California but it will still be a vacation none the less. And even though work is on every bodies list of things to do play will not be far behind.

Majority of the students we interviewed seem to be itching for some time in the sand and sun. Eagerly awaiting the trade in of books and tests for boogie boards and tanning lotion. Jasmine plans to do as much as she can with this week off going from the sands of Venice beach to the snow of Mammoth Mountain. Only in California can you go to the beach and surf and snowboard  during spring.

“I plan on doing as much fun stuff as I can away from school” said Fitsum and I’m sure no one would disagree. This fun stuff includes skate boarding, relaxing at the beach and sushi.

Faculty and staff are awaiting their spring break as well. Jasmine Foster public information officer at COC is looking forward to spending her spring break with her sons that will be coming home from college themselves. Mrs. Foster plans on catching up with her boys to see what they have been doing away at school. And making them the most delicious home cooked meals that shes sure they have been needing.

The theme of all of the students was to swim and party all the time. As with most spring breaks Florida and California tend to bring out the fun under the sun. Its no secret that college kids know how to party and the COC student body is no exception. A few students plan to rent condos for the weekend on the beach and live like a rock star at least for 7 days. And when its all said and done the party will be left on the beach and the mountains and in the sand and snow.

I will look out for you on the boardwalk and the pier and on the strip and in the clubs. Most of all be safe and enjoy your time off, you deserve it.

Spring Break Madness