Thursday, April 18, 2013

Comment Period Now Open for New Math Framework

californiadepartmentofeducation_cde_logoCalifornia is moving one step closer to implementing the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics with the release today of the draft Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve for public comment, said State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson.

“This draft Math Framework is an important step on California’s path toward the Common Core State Standards, which provide a practical way to prepare children for the challenges of a constantly changing world by learning step-by-step the practical skills they need for career and college,” Torlakson said. “I’m looking forward to feedback from the public as we put these standards to work remodeling our education system.”

“Frameworks” provide guidance for implementing the new standards. “Standards” define the knowledge and skills students should acquire at each grade level. The draft Math Framework differs from the last one approved by the State Board of Education in 2005, because it is aligned to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.

The draft Math Framework shows the progress from kindergarten to higher-level math using three principles: The first principle is “focus,” an emphasis on the math concepts and content in the standards. The second principle is “coherence,” the connections between mathematics topics that create a progression of learning from kindergarten through high school. The third principle, “rigor,” calls for instruction with an equal emphasis on developing students’ understanding, procedural skills, and ability to apply mathematics to solve problems inside and outside the classroom

This draft Math Framework links to implementation tools and research; describes options for higher math even at the middle-school level, including Algebra I; provides greater support for universal access for English learners and students with disabilities; changes the approach to technology; and aligns with the Smarter  Balanced Assessment Consortium’s test content specifications. Smarter Balanced is the new computer adaptive student assessment system. The draft Math Frameworks also will help guide publishers in developing instructional materials.

California is part of a multistate consortium that developed the Common Core State Standards for math and English. They keep the best of California’s current standards, but replace outdated ways of learning with a clear focus on the key knowledge and skills students need, and provide teachers the time to teach them well.

California Education Code Section 60207 requires the State Board of Education to adopt a revised mathematics curriculum framework. The draft Math Framework is the culmination of several years of work involving educators, content experts, and other education and community leaders.

The public will have until June 20, 2013, to review the draft Math Frameworks located at the California Department of Education’s Public Review and Comment on the Math Framework Web page. To leave comments, people may use the online 2013 Mathematics Frameworks Online Survey, or visit one of the 23 Learning Resource Display Centers statewide, where a hard copy of the draft will be available.

The public comments will then be presented to the Instructional Quality Commission this summer for review and possible inclusion into the final Math Frameworks. The State Board of Education may take action on the final Math Frameworks this fall.

Comment Period Now Open for New Math Framework