Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Earthquakes: The Question Isn't If, but When

earthquake_seismograph_richter2[L.A. County Fire] - Los Angeles County is considered “earthquake country,” so before the next big quake, do whatever you can to get prepared to survive and recover quickly. The Los Angeles County Fire Department is asking residents to take steps before the shaking starts. Throughout September, earthquake preparedness tips will be shared on the Fire Department’s Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages, and its website at

lacofire-logo“Your past experience in earthquakes may have given you a false sense of safety. Maybe you didn’t do anything other than running outside and yet you survived. But what if a much larger earthquake occurs?” says Assistant Fire Chief Dean McGuire. “In a larger earthquake, sudden and intense back and forth motions of several feet per second will cause the floor or the ground to jerk sideways out from under you, and every unsecured object around you could topple, fall, or become airborne, causing serious injury.” Because of the uncertainty of any earthquake, local firefighters are urging residents to learn how to immediately protect themselves after the first jolt.

“Don’t wait to see if the earthquake shaking will be strong. In most situations, you will reduce your chance of injury if you follow the three-step Drop, Cover, Hold On safety procedure,” says McGuire.

earthquake_bridge_generic_lacofdDROP down onto your hands and knees before the earthquake knocks you down. COVER your head and neck – and your entire body if possible – under a sturdy table or desk. If there is no shelter nearby, only then should you get down near an interior wall or low-lying furniture that won’t fall on you, and cover your head and neck with your arms and hands. HOLD ON to your shelter until the shaking stops. Be prepared to move with your shelter if the shaking shifts it around.

“Wherever you are protect yourself,” says Chief McGuire.“ You may be in a situation where you cannot find shelter beneath furniture. Trying to move around during the shaking puts you at greater risk. Drop down before the earthquake drops you.”

As earthquakes may occur at any time, prepare yourself and your family by practicing the right thing to do. It could save your life! For more information, visit our website at for a complete list of tips and facts.”

[READ] Earthquake Preparedness Tips from L.A. County Fire Department

Earthquakes: The Question Isn't If, but When