Sunday, August 25, 2013

Beautification Coming ... to 14 & Sand Canyon

14sand082313aThe City of Santa Clarita will host a groundbreaking event for the Sand Canyon Road/State Route 14 beautification project on Wednesday, Aug. 28, at 11 a.m.  The event will take place near the Mobil Station adjacent to the SR 14 on-ramp.  Residents interested in attending the event should RSVP by Tuesday, Aug. 27, to Corrina Knudson at (661) 255-4939 or by email at

The project will improve 3.4 acres within the Caltrans rights of way at the Sand Canyon north and south bound on and off ramps.  Environmentally-friendly landscaping will include sizeable oak trees, shrubs, and grasses, as well as low twisting stone walls and natural colored stone pavers.

The Sand Canyon Road and SR 14 beautification project is part of the City of Santa Clarita’s commitment to beautifying all gateway corridors to provide a positive community image for residents and visitors.  Beautification of entry points also helps maintain higher property values and supports the City’s and other business organization’s effort to attract targeted companies to the area.

“This area of Sand Canyon Road near the State Route 14 is a vital gateway into the community, and with this project will receive supporting infrastructure and landscape upgrades,” commented Mayor Bob Kellar.  “The improvements made to this corridor will not only help refurbish the area, it will enhance the overall aesthetic value of our community.”

This beautification project is a federally funded Metro grant administered through the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).  Responsible for allocating federal, state and local transportation funds to improve all modes of surface transportation, Metro distributes funding through the Call for Projects program and the Sand Canyon Road/State 14 beautification project has a total fund of $1.352 million.

“Our freeways help our region stay mobile, but we should also work to keep them maintained,” said Metro Board Chair and Lakewood City Council Member Diane DuBois. “The Sand Canyon Beautification Project is going to make not just the roadway, but the Sand Canyon area, more inviting. And it’s being funded $1.352 million from Metro’s Call for Projects. When completed, it will make Santa Clarita an even more welcoming place, and best of all it is being done in an environmentally friendly way.”

For more information on the Sand Canyon Road and SR 14 beautification project or the groundbreaking, please contact Gail Ortiz at (661) 255-4314.





Beautification Coming ... to 14 & Sand Canyon