Monday, July 8, 2013

State Set to Free Violent Serial Rapist in L.A. County

[Supv. Antonovich] – A Santa Clara judge has ruled that Christopher Evans Hubbart, a violent sex predator believed to have raped as many as 40 women in a 10 year period, will be set free in Los Angeles County.

“Based on his criminal history, the state’s planned release of this predator into our communities will create a very serious public safety threat,” said Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich.  “Obviously, the prison sentence for this criminal failed to match his crimes – a predator of this nature deserves life without parole.”

Hubbart has admitted to raping 25 women in the Los Angeles area in the early 1970’s and an additional 15 were raped in the San Francisco Bay area in the early 1980’s.  His parole has been revoked numerous times due to his mental condition and the threat to public safety.  In May, the Santa Clara judge, over the objections of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, decided to place Mr. Hubbart back in Los Angeles County.

The deadline to file a writ for that decision is tomorrow, July 9, 2013.  The Court will hold a number of hearings between now and November before Mr. Hubbart will be released.

This issue will be discussed at Tuesday’s meeting of the Board of Supervisors.

State Set to Free Violent Serial Rapist in L.A. County