Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Civil Rights Suit, Las Lomas Property on Council Agenda

citycouncilA number of important topics are on the City Council’s agenda for their Tuesday night meeting.

They will be holding a closed session at 4 p.m. to confer with legal counsel about the recent lawsuit filed against the City of Santa Clarita, claiming that council elections are not accessible to Latino voters.

The public is allowed one minute per person to address the council before the closed session begins. The city attorney will then make an announcement after the closed session is over.

The regular City Council meeting begins at 6 p.m. in the City Council chambers at City Hall.

The council will again discuss the salary increase that was introduced on June 25 and passed, 4-1, to a second reading. TimBen Boydston was opposed to the pay raise.

The council will also vote whether or not to approve the purchase of approximately 302 acres of unincorporated land in the Newhall Pass/Interstate 5 corridor area.

The Trust for Public Land, and non-profit land trust, originally contacted the owners of the undeveloped land in 2010. Originally it was slated to be developed as part of the Las Lomas project, including 5,500 residential units.

The land would be added to the city’s existing Open Space and could cost more than $2.7 million out of the city’s Open Space Preservation District Fund.

Other topics of interest include a second reading of the “Lyons Corridor Plan,” a zoning effort to revitalize storefronts and public places along Lyons Avenue.

There will a public hearing to discuss traffic congestion. The city must report annually to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority as part of the state-mandated Congestion Management Program.

Civil Rights Suit, Las Lomas Property on Council Agenda