Monday, April 22, 2013 | COC student inspires Smart Girl movement

COC student Dominica Valentina has created a motivational website for girls called Smart Girl World.

Smart Girl World was created after Dominica’s mother gave her a special ring and called it her “Smart Girl Ring.” With this ring, she told her that she could achieve any of her goals and create her own success.

The story behind the blog’s title inspired so many that she decided to expand her mother’s idea of a Smart Girl ring and create an inspirational business and website for girls.

The blog is covered with inspiration quotes, pictures, and even girl advice. Dominica has been able to touch hearts not only in Santa Clarita, but all around the world.

For more information on Dominica and the Smart Girl World movement check her out on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and the official Smart Girl World website.

COC student inspires Smart Girl movement