Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Metro Plan Would Add Toll Carpool Lanes Through SCV

tollcarpoollanesMetropolitan Transportation Authority officials are trying to get the word out about a partnership they say will speed up the process for much needed local carpool lanes on Interstate 5.

The project they are proposing would be a first-of-its-kind project for the area, a public-private partnership that would add toll-road HOV lanes for Santa Clarita Valley commuters.

“Metro is proposing to widen the I-5 freeway in the Santa Clarita area in five years instead of 30 years,” said Lan Saadatnejadi, executive officer for Metro’s Highway Program. “This will reduce congestion, improve safety and provide jobs to the people of the Santa Clarita and Los Angeles area.”

The proposal would seek a construction company to build one southbound and one northbound carpool lane on Interstate 5 from Parker Road in Castaic to Highway 14. The project would also repave the existing lanes and add a truck lane on the southbound side of Interstate 5.

Metro is looking for funding partnerships for the program because if the project, which would cost approximately $310 million, only has about 75 percent of the necessary funds available.

Those funds are also only available through incremental distributions that would take place over the next 30 years, Saadatnejadi said.

The current standard rate for a transponder, is $40 for an initial purchase, which is a statewide standard, according to Metro officials. It’s the same rate for a unit that would be sold for any type of toll road in California, such as those already in use in Northern California.

There is a minimum of a $3 monthly charge for the transponder if it’s not used at least three times, but other than that, the rates for travel on these propose lanes have yet to be determined, and would need approval from the state’s Department of Transportation.

Metro officials are trying to emphasi e that they aren’t creating lanes that commuters would have to pay for, they are looking to add a pay-per-drive option.

The pay lanes would have a guaranteed minimum speed of 45 mph at all times, according to Metro officials.

There were also a few other stipulations:

* Motorcycles and vehicles with three or more people, including carpools, buses and vans, would not have to pay to use the lanes.

* Vehicles with two occupants would only have to pay during rush hour.

* Metro officials said if approved, the fees would likely be part of the commute for a 35-year lease, at which time, their extension would be a policy decision.

City Councilman TimBen Boydston said the city hasn’t taken an official position on the project, however, in his personal opinion, it’s not a bad idea if the project can significantly increase the time it takes to relieve congestion — with one important caveat.

“As long as there’s a free alternative, and as long as a private company is paying for all of the construction, and as long as the people are not guaranteeing the bonds — then I think that might, in theory, be a good idea as a way to expedite the lanes,” he said.

“Everybody wants to get rid of the congestion,” Boydston said. “But however we go about doing that, the taxpayers should not have to pay twice.”

Metro officials said that a best-case scenario for construction plans would have construction started around January 2015, assuming the public hearing goes well and environmental approvals are given, in addition to state DOT approvals.

Metro Plan Would Add Toll Carpool Lanes Through SCV