Friday, March 1, 2013

Capitol News from Sen. Steve Knight

Steve Knight

Steve Knight

Legislative Update


Following a very productive and informative Aerospace Roundtable meeting hosted by Senator Steve Knight last month, industry leaders worked together to review and solidify legislative ideas that help promote, maintain, and grow California’s Aerospace Industry. Some of the ideas that were generated from this roundtable have been introduced by the Senator as legislation, including: sales and use tax exemptions on property used on aircrafts that travel into space, exemptions for manufacturing equipment specific to aerospace, employer income tax credit for hiring California graduates, and granting a 10% tuition credit that would encourage teachers to pursue STEM subjects. Outside of his aerospace legislation this year, the Senator remains committed to protecting the 2nd Amendment, student opportunity for success by making sure they have a safe environment in which to learn, and parents’ rights.

Tax Time!


The California Franchise Tax Board has joined with several non-profit agencies throughout California to provide relief for low-income families filing taxes this year. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program provides FREE tax preparation assistance for qualifying families and seniors over 60 years old. For more information on the VITA program, click here.



District News:


Business Outlook Conference


This month, Senator Steve Knight spoke at the Antelope Valley Board of Trade Business Outlook Conference. Every year, this conference is an opportunity for businesses in the Antelope Valley to come together and discuss how to promote job creation in our community and state-wide. Events such as this keep Antelope Valley businesses competitive with the rest of the state. Senator Knight was among many elected officials who spoke about efforts within the government to promote job growth. J.R. Martine was the keynote speaker, and his story of American heroism touched the crowd of 600 people.


Senator Steve Knight speaking at the Antelope Valley Board of Trade Business Outlook Conference


Sequestration Roundtable with Congressman McCarthy


This This month, Senator Knight participated in a roundtable discussion hosted by Congressman Kevin McCarthy regarding about the pending federal spending cuts known as “sequestration”. If there is no compromise in Washington D.C. by March 1, 2013, $1.2 trillion of across-the-board cuts will be implemented. The reality of these cuts would be disastrous for California, the second largest recipient of federal defense dollars. In this discussion, the Congressman, Senator, and other elected and industry leaders brainstormed on ways to minimi e the affects of sequestration as well as averting the cuts all together. In an effort to voice California’s concerns on sequestration, Senator Knight introduced Senate Joint Resolution 3.


Senator Knight at a roundtable discussion, hosted by Congressman Kevin McCarthy, regarding about the pending federal spending cuts


Following the roundtable discussion, participants toured Aerowire, a company that will be directly impacted if the sequestration cuts come to fruition.


Participants toured Aerowire


The last event of the day was a tour of the Antelope Valley Boys and Girls Club. The delegation met with Chief Professional Officer Jay Duke to see firsthand the impact of a 20% cut nationwide on beneficial programs such as this.


Senator Steve Knight on tour of the Antelope Valley Boys and Girls Club


Senator Knight Recogni es Captain Bob Jonsen


This month, Captain Bob Jonsen left the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Palmdale Station to accept a position as chief of police in a Bay Area community. Captain Jonsen served a 26-year career with the Sheriff’s Department, including leadership of the Antelope Valley Crime Fighting Initiative. Senator Knight’s District Coordinator Lisa Moulton presented Captain Jonsen with a Senate Resolution recogni ing his service to the Antelope Valley and wishing him well in his future endeavors.


Senator Knight honors Captain Bob Jonsen of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Palmdale Station


Amgen Tour Cities Announced!


Once again, both Palmdale and Santa Clarita have been selected to host stages of the Amgen Tour of California for 2013. This internationally acclaimed cycling race draws riders and spectators from around the world. For the first time in the race’s history, riders will progress through California from the South to the North. The dates of the tour are set for May 12 to 19, 2013.


Senator Knight Honors Combat-Wounded Veteran


Senator Knight joined Congressman Howard P. “Buck” McKeon at a luncheon this month to honor former Army Spc. Jerral Hancock for his service. Hancock served as an M-1A Abrams tank driver and was severely wounded in Iraq. This brave young veteran sacrificed his mobility to protect our country overseas. It is individuals such as Hancock who influence the Senator to continue to work diligently in Sacramento, either through legislation he authors (Senate Bill 290) or by voting for veteran-friendly legislation sponsored by other members.


Santa Clarita Town Hall


Senator Steve Knight invites all constituents to join him at an upcoming Town Hall in Santa Clarita. Topics covered will include the State Budget, Taxes, Water, Legislation, and more. The Town Hall will be hosted on Friday, March 8, 2013 at the Santa Clarita Activities Center located at 20880 Centre Pointe Pkwy, Santa Clarita, CA 91350. For more information, contact Sarah Tyndall, the Santa Clarita District Office Representative. (661) 286-1471.


Welcome Spring 2013 Term Interns!


This term we have three wonderful young men and women working as interns in the Antelope Valley (AV) office. Austin Nicholas is a current student at Antelope Valley College working on his general education credits before transferring to a four year university in Southern California. He is the Chief Intern this year and works on scheduling fellow interns and assisting the other staff members with assignments and special projects. Jon Gebhart is a local AV resident and graduate of CSU, Long Beach eager to gain greater understanding of the political process. Evelyn Stacey holds a Master of Public Policy degree and is hoping to gain more experience for a career in a legislative office. Shunte Banks is a recent graduate of CSU, Bakersfield. She has recently accepted an internship with a Congressional office. With her valuable knowledge of serving in the USAF and working with Cal Vet, she will be a valuable asset to their staff. Our next term for internships will be May – July, so please look out for more information in April.

Capitol News from Sen. Steve Knight