Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Residents Can Vote on Roundabout Centerpiece

"Western Reel"

“Western Reel”

There’s still time for residents to cast their vote for one of two pieces of original art, “Western Reel” or “Facing the Sun, Facing the Future,” to be displayed at the center of the new Roundabout project at the intersection of Main Street, Newhall Avenue and 5th Street. Voting will remain open now through Saturday, Aug. 31, at City Hall in the first floor lobby and on-line at

We want residents to help us decide which iconic piece of art should be the centerpiece of Old Town Newhall’s roundabout project. This intersection will serve as a southern gateway into the community, so we want something that reflects our past, present and future” commented Mayor Bob Kellar.

"Facing the Sun, Facing the Future"

“Facing the Sun, Facing the Future”

Artist Michael Clapper’s “Western Reel” represents an iconic sculpture that speaks to the early days of film making and Santa Clarita’s western film connection. Using imagery of an abstracted, spiraling piece of film, a stylized cowboy on a galloping horse will be the focal point on the film cells. Artist Michael Duffy’s “Facing the Sun, Facing the Future” reflects Santa Clarita’s past and optimism for the future. It is inspired by the first unique peoples and their original domestic architecture as it portrays the framework of willow poles in a circle bent in at the top to form a pointed dome.

To learn more about the Roundabout art project, please contact Phil Lantis at (661) 255-3775 or visit



Residents Can Vote on Roundabout Centerpiece