Sunday, August 25, 2013

Open Auditions Aug. 26-27 for COC Fall Theatre Productions

Local actors interested in participating in an upcoming College of the Canyons theatre department fall semester production are invited to attend one of two open auditions dates being held Aug. 26 and 27.

The COC theatre department’s fall lineup includes productions of “Five Women Wearing the Same Dress” by Hollywood writer/producer Alan Ball and “Of Mice and Men” by revered modern American novelist John Steinbeck.

In all, there will be approximately 20 roles available. Actors of all ethnicities between the ages of 18 and 60 are encouraged to audition.

Those interested in auditioning for one or both of the department’s fall productions should prepare a one to two minute contemporary monologue and make plans to attend an audition date on Monday, Aug. 26, or Tuesday, Aug. 27.

Actors will then be asked to read sides from the specific plays during callback auditions, being held Wednesday, Aug. 28 for “Five Women Wearing the Same Dress” and Thursday, Aug. 29 for “Of Mice and Men.”

Each audition date will begin at 6:45 p.m. in the Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center (PAC) Black Box Theater, located on the college’s Valencia campus.

All those cast will be required to register in a section of the COC course Theatre 190: Theatre Production.

Interested actors are encouraged to visit the COC Theatre website for further details.

“We are thrilled to offer students and community members an opportunity to audition for two productions with excellent roles for men and women of a variety of ages,” said Paul Wickline, chair of the COC theatre department and director of “Of Mice and Men.”

“Few plays are more powerful and moving than ‘Of Mice and Men,’ and ‘Five Women Wearing the Same Dress’ provides excellent opportunities for female actors to develop and showcase their comedic skills. I encourage anyone who wants to be a part of these productions to audition.”

“Five Women Wearing the Same Dress”

logo_5women_wearing_same_dress400Written by “First Blood” and “Six Feet Under” creator Alan Ball, “Five Women Wearing the Same Dress” is set against the backdrop of a wedding reception, in which five identically clad bridesmaids find themselves hiding in an upstairs bathroom — each avoiding the proceedings for their own personal reasons.

But as the afternoon lingers on this group of seemingly very different women discover a common bond in what turns out to be a wickedly funny, irreverent and touching celebration of the women’s spirit.

The COC theatre department’s production of “Five Women Wearing the Same Dress” will include roles for five women and one man, all in their 20s.

Performance dates will be staged Oct. 11-13 and Oct. 18-20 in the Black Box Theater.

“Of Mice and Men”

John Steinbeck’s 1937 classic tale “Of Mice and Men” follows the adventures of two traveling companions — George and Lennie — who wander the California countryside, dealing with the realities of the Depression era, while dreaming of a better life and a place they can call their own.

But circumstances soon spin dangerously out of control, when an encounter with the ranch boss’ flirtatious wife unwittingly leaves one of the men with blood on his hands.

The COC theatre department production of “Of Mice and Men” will include roles for nine men and one woman, ages 20 to 50.

Performance dates will be staged Nov. 20-24 in the Black Box Theater.

For more information about either of the College of the Canyons theatre department’s fall productions or for additional details about the audition process please visit

Open Auditions Aug. 26-27 for COC Fall Theatre Productions