Thursday, August 22, 2013

McKeon: Manning Betrayed Country; 35 Years is 'Light Sentence'

mug_Buck_mckeonHouse Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P. “Buck” McKeon, R-Santa Clarita, made the following statement about Wednesday’s sentencing of Bradley Manning to 35 years in prison for espionage and other specifications relating to his release of classified documents to Wikileaks:

“Bradley Manning betrayed his country, his obligations as a Soldier, and the trust of all Americans. He put the lives of our troops and our allies in danger.

“Thirty-five years is a light sentence and draws a false distinction between the acts of Manning and and the life sentences given to previous espionage cases such as Walker and Hansen. Given the vast damage he did to our national security and the need to send a strong signal to others who may be tempted to disclose classified information, this is a dangerous conclusion.”



McKeon: Manning Betrayed Country; 35 Years is 'Light Sentence'