Friday, July 12, 2013

Pavley Applauds Ban on Bisphenol-A in Sippy Cups

Fran Pavley

Fran Pavley

Sen. Fran Pavley, D-Agoura Hills,  has issued the following statement about the state’s ban on Bisphenol-A (BPA) in baby bottles and sippy cups, which took effect this month:

“Nearly two years after it was signed by Governor Brown, California’s ban on Bisphenol-A (BPA) in baby bottles and sippy cups took effect this month.  I was proud to be the principal co-author of AB 1319, which protects infants and toddlers from this harmful, hormone-disrupting chemical.

“Prior to passage of this bill, I authored another bill that would have banned BPA in baby food and infant formula, in addition to bottles and cups. It was defeated after a fierce lobbying battle. As we learn more about the devastating effects of this toxic chemical, our effort to protect consumers of all ages continues.”

Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a  man-made carbon-based synthetic compound used to make certain plastics and resins.


Pavley represents California’s 27th Senate District, which includes about half of the Santa Clarita Valley.

Pavley Applauds Ban on Bisphenol-A in Sippy Cups