Wednesday, July 10, 2013

2 Netted in Raid on Valencia Summit Home

Two investigations and a search warrant in a Valencia neighborhood netted two pit bulls, methamphetamines and two arrests Tuesday morning.

Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station deputies and officials with the Department of Animal Care and Control arrived at the 24200 block of Tossano Drive in the Valencia Summit community at 7 a.m.

TossanoSummit071013An investigation by the station’s Crime Impact Team detectives led to a house where a man and a woman allegedly had methamphetamine, according to Deputy Josh Dubin of the Crime Prevention Unit for the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station.

A woman answered the door and let deputies inside, where they conducted further investigation.

“CIT deputies, CPU deputies and Sheriff’s Station detectives served a search warrant on that street in a house for where narcotics were allegedly kept,” Dubin said.

A man and a woman whose identities have not yet been released pending the results of an investigation, were taken into custody, Dubin said.

There was also some property recovered that detectives are investigating as to whether it is stolen, Dubin said.

The county’s Animal Care and Control Department had officials present because they confiscated two pit bulls that had prompted “numerous complaints” from local residents, Dubin said.

“Their investigation was separate of ours,” Dubin said.

No more information was available at this time because the investigation is ongoing, Dubin said.

The suspects are being held at the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station.

2 Netted in Raid on Valencia Summit Home