Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Soroptimist Day of Service Helps Mending Kids Int'l

2013-2 mending kids bearSoroptimist International Greater Santa Clarita’s Day of Service on Feb. 24 on behalf of Mending Kids International was fun and rewarding.

Soroptimists, along with a number of onta sisters, members of host North Park Church, and other friends teamed to create 100 hand-cut and tied fleece comfort blankets.  They then bundled them with stuffed animals and other goodies into “patient bags” for children receiving Mending Kids surgical treatment in locations such as Haiti, Christmas Island, and Ethiopia.

They also created care-packages for medical teams and “party bags” to celebrate successful missions.

2013-2 mending kids rebecca & sonThe chair of Mending Kids International, Glenn Dabatos, and his wife Mary Jane joined in, and were impressed with enthusiasm and energy of the gathering.  “I have never seen so much joyful energy poured out in two hours!”

MKI ( is serving 400 children in 2013 with eight different medical missions. As Marchelle Sellers said, “We are not only saving a life; we are saving a family.”

Soroptimist International ( is an international volunteer service organi ation founded in 1921 for business and professional women of all ages, cultures and ethnic groups.  The mission of this organi ation is to improve the lives of women and girls in Santa Clarita Valley and throughout the world.


2013-2 mending kids donna & nikki

Soroptimist Day of Service Helps Mending Kids Int'l