Monday, March 4, 2013

Public Can Weigh In on Forest Service Management of OHV Areas

us_forest_service_logoA public comment period is open from March 5 to April 1 about an Angeles National Forest grant request to the state for about $426,000 to help manage the forest’s Off-Highway Vehicle areas.

The Forest’s draft application to the state Department of Parks and Recreation will be posted at tomorrow.  The funding request, an annual procedure, will help augment the current Forest Service budget. Public comments can be sent via email to: and

The application focuses on: facilities and trail maintenance, law enforcement, and restoration of areas damaged by unauthori ed OHV use.

Those without internet access may request a mailed copy of the application by calling the forest’s Santa Clara/Mojave Rivers Ranger District at (661) 269-2808, ext. 221.

Public Can Weigh In on Forest Service Management of OHV Areas