Tuesday, March 19, 2013

CougarNews.com | SCV Historical Society guides tours of site of St. Francis Dam collapse

On March 12, 1928 the second-worst natural disaster occurred in California’s history as the St. Francis Dam collapsed leaving destructive damage and killing over 450 people.

Three minutes to midnight the dam failed, releasing over 12 billion gallons of water through the San Francisquito Canyon and then down the Santa Clara River Valley devastating the towns of Piru, Fillmore, and Santa Paula.

On March 16, 2013 the Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society presented a tour to the dam as this year marked the 85th anniversary of the collapse of the St. Francis Dam.

The tour was guided by historian Frank Rock in where he took many guests to the site where the dam once stood.

SCV Historical Society guides tours of site of St. Francis Dam collapse