Monday, December 23, 2013

Jan. 16-Feb. 27: Emergency Response Training (CERT) - Sign Up Now

cert122313Make a New Year resolution to be prepared.  Invest your time in learning what you can do to be prepared before, during and after a disaster.

Are you and your family prepared to be on your own for 72 to 96 hours – with no electricity gas, or running water?  You can better prepare for all types of hazards by participating in the CERT (Community Emergency Response Training) program. The course is designed to help you, your family, and your neighbors in the event of a disaster.

Since first responders may not be able to help everyone immediately, you can make a difference by using the training to aid in your survival, and protection of property.


What Does a CERT Participant Learn?

Community Emergency Response Training instructs individuals to prepare to respond to anticipated disruption and potential hazards following a disaster. Participants will learn to:

* Recognize the potential hazards associated with a particular type of emergency and take the appropriate action.

* Identify, organize and utilize available resources and people.

* Treat for life-threatening conditions through Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (S.T.A.R.T.).


What Does CERT Involve?

Participants attend a total of seven weekly classes. Each class is  approximately three hours in length. Classes include lecture, videos and interactive participation and skills assessment.

$30/person fee includes all course materials and equipment.


Next CERT class begins Thursday, January 16 through Thursday, February 27, 2014. (Seven consecutive Thursdays – 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm)

[CLICK HERE] to register for classes. Must be 18 to participate.

Jan. 16-Feb. 27: Emergency Response Training (CERT) - Sign Up Now