Saturday, December 22, 2012

Valencia Students Present Career Exploration Projects

Valencia High School seniors presented career projects to local business leaders, teachers and administrators during December, completing a semester-long class that all Valencia seniors are required to take.

Nearly 350 students shared Powerpoint, video and photo presentations and spoke about their experience to a review panel for 8 to 10 minutes. Seventy business leaders and community members, along with 110 teachers and administrators, spent the afternoon evaluating students for presentation skills, professional attire that matched the career they researched, visual presentation, enthusiasm and answering questions from the panel.

Students were asked to select a mentor to shadow during the semester in a career field of interest. Many students said the experience made them even more excited about their field of interest, or in a few cases, made them think about other career options.

Elizabeth Wilson, the Hart School District’s School-to-Career coordinator, practical arts department chair and CAD / Drafting Career Path advisor, thanked all of the participants for their time and feedback and congratulated the students for a job well done.

(Photos: Above, students with Principal Dr. Paul Priesz, Superintendent Rob Challinor, Board member Steve Sturgeon and Counselor Kathy Stroh. Left, students with board member Steve Sturgeon, teacher Joni Stiman and Assistant Principal Vince Ferry.)


Students with board member Steve Sturgeon, teacher Joni Stiman and Assistant Principal Vince Ferry.

Valencia Students Present Career Exploration Projects