Wednesday, October 2, 2013

COC Awarded $900k to Coordinate CCC Workforce Development Activities

COC_logoThe College of the Canyons Economic Development Division has been awarded approximately $900,000 from the state Chancellor’s Office to fund the staffing of three new “Deputy Sector Navigators” liaison positions designed to help community colleges better connect with the industry partners they serve.

The grant award is the result of an ongoing reorganization effort of the state’s Workforce and Economic Development program titled “Doing What Matters for Jobs and the Economy.”

The goals of the “Doing What Matters for Jobs and the Economy” program are to help close the state’s “skills gap” by providing in-demand skills training for employers, creating relevant careerpathways and stackable credential programs, promoting student success and ultimately helping more Californians find employment.

As part of that reorganization effort the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office has placed a greater emphasis on regional economic development activities, with a particular focus on the strongest industry sectors for each region of the state.

“This refocus from the state Chancellor’s Office has many advantages, but two significant outcomes are apparent,” said Pete Bellas, Dean of Economic Development at the college. “First, it recognizes that industry and jobs are very much regionally based and provides opportunities for colleges in those regions to enhance their working relationships with local businesses. Second, it will provide resources dedicated to keeping community college programs in pace with industry needs.”

The newly created Deputy Sector Navigator positions will function to help California’s community colleges better connect and collaborate with each other, in addition to the thousands of local businesses and industry partners they collectively serve.

With this recently awarded grant, College of the Canyons will be able to host three Deputy Sector Navigator liaison positions in the areas of allied health, advanced manufacturing and information communication technology/digital media.

“We look forward to working with industry representatives in all of these fields,” Bellas said.

The following Deputy Sector Navigator positions have been filled at College of the Canyons, effective immediately:

* John Cordova, Interim Deputy Sector Navigator — Allied Health

* Paula Hodge, Interim Deputy Sector Navigator — Information Communication Technology/Digital Media

* Joe Klocko, Deputy Sector Navigator and Director, COC Center for Applied Competitive Technologies (CACT)— Advanced Manufacturing

Specifically, the Deputy Sector Navigators will support and improve regional workforce training for entry level and incumbent workers within their particular industry sector by helping to:

* Develop on-campus faculty collaborative groups;

* Create college level certificate programs;

* Oversee the articulation of curriculum agreements between secondary and postsecondary educational systems which form potential career pathways for students;

* Implement work-based learning and internship opportunities;

* Provide increased access to professional development opportunities.

As a host college, COC will continue to play a key role in steering the direction of critical economic development program related to these vital industry sectors, while being able to pursue the establishment of new, mutually beneficial business partnerships within the region.

Included in the $900,000 award amount are funds to support salaries and program infrastructure costs, along with other workforce development and student/community outreach efforts meant topromote the numerous potential career pathways and employment opportunities open to all individuals.

For more information about the California Community CollegesWorkforce and Economic Development program titled “Doing What Matters for Jobs and the Economy” and the “Deputy Sector Navigators” initiative visit


COC Awarded $900k to Coordinate CCC Workforce Development Activities