Thursday, June 20, 2013

City Staffers Mentoring Local Teens for 8 Weeks

weightsThe City’s Anti-Gang Task Force’s P.O.W.E.R. (Peers on Their Way to Everlasting Rediscovery) male mentoring program began Tuesday, June 11, and for eight weeks, nine male teens will participate in mentoring, work experience, Work-It-Out sessions, and excursions.

City employees were paired as mentors with the teens and career planning for the teens was discussed during the first mentoring session held at City Hall. Teens also began their work experience by painting the red curbs at the Activities Center. The first week concluded with an excursion to Castaic Lake for lunch and team building.

Assistant City Manager Frank Oviedo (right) with a P.O.W.E.R. program participant.

Assistant City Manager Frank Oviedo (right) with a P.O.W.E.R. program participant.

The Anti- Gang Task Force’s POWER program is designed to provide high-risk adolescent males between the ages of 14-18 with support, guidance, work experience, and positive opportunities.

For more information about the Anti-Gang Task Force and the POWER program, visit

City Staffers Mentoring Local Teens for 8 Weeks