There were 11 Part-1 crimes in Zone 2 this past week. There were 3 reported Burglaries. A storage container was broken into and there were two residential burglaries in Castaic. There were six reported thefts from vehicles where seats, gas and personal items were targeted. There were two grand thefts reported. A resident from Castaic reported jewelry stolen after hosting a house party. Several local kids had their bicycles stolen when they left them unattended while they were playing in the wash area.
Please remember to close your garage doors and never leave valuables in plain view in your vehicle. Minimize your risk and avoid being the victim of a crime of opportunity. If you see any suspicious activity, call the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station at (661) 255-1121 or 9-1-1 in an emergency.
Due to a shift in resource allocation and deputy re-alignment in the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County, the Zone Deputy position for the Castaic and Val Verde area is being eliminated. As a result, this will be my last Nixle posting. It has been a pleasure having the opportunity to serve your community in tracking crime trends and statistics, identifying and arresting offenders in the area, and working directly with community leaders to address your crime and nuisance related concerns.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you any questions.
Deputy Brian Rooney
Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
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Castaic-Val Verde: Kids' Bikes Stolen While Playing in Wash