Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Nov. 7: Van Hook to Offer Pointers on Effective Communication

You are invited to join the Small Business Development Center at College of the Canyons for a special presentation by Chancellor Dianne G. Van Hook on:

How to Build Quality Relationships

Through Effective Communication

Thursday, November 7

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm


College of the Canyons

University Center Room 258

26455 Rockwell Canyon Rod

Santa Clarita, CA  91355


Cost:  Free + $2 parking fee (kiosk located in lot 14)


“What we got here is… a failure to communicate.”


dvh070113a_largeIf, at any point in your professional or personal relationships you have ever felt like that memorable character, Captain, in the movie “Cool Hand Luke,” you need this workshop!  Let’s face it: Clear and concise communication skills are critical to the success of any relationship. No matter who is involved: coworkers, friends, loved ones, our college, students, community representatives, our business partners or colleagues at other colleges, the quality of our communications matters.

The intensity and landscapes of the various connections will differ, but the single most important component in the success or failure of a relationship is your ability to communicate (and that includes listening!).   You must be willing to give, share and support, not just take or receive.

Join us at this two-hour, interactive workshop, where we will explore:

  • What is communication anyway?

  • What does a high-quality relationship “look” like?

  • How does understanding the difference between high- and low-quality relationships affect your ability to obtain positive results?

  • What impact do relationships have on your career-now and in the future?

  • What can you use to enhance current relationships and more easily strike up new ones?

Chancellor Dr. Dianne Van Hook will provide insight and practical experience answering these important questions.

To register please send an email to:

Please provide your name, email address and phone number.

Nov. 7: Van Hook to Offer Pointers on Effective Communication