Friday, December 7, 2012

Newhall Foundation Giving $120K for College Scholarships

The Henry Mayo Newhall (Family) Foundation is again awarding $120,000 to the Hart School District, to be disbursed as scholarships to graduating high school seniors.

As in years past, each of the district’s six comprehensive high schools (Hart, Canyon, Saugus, Valencia, Golden Valley and West Ranch) will nominate candidates to be interviewed by the SCV Scholarship Foundation. Six winners from each school will receive awards as follows: One will receive $5,000, one $4,000, two $3,000, one $2,500 and one $2,000, for a total of $117,000.

The remaining $3,000 will be divided among winners nominated by the alternative high schools in amounts ranging from $500 to $1,500.

Winners are expected to be announced in June.


About the Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation

Henry Mayo Newhall

The Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation is a nonprofit organization which supports charitable, cultural and agricultural programs in specific areas of California.

The San Francisco-based Foundation was created in 1963 by fourth-generation descendants of California entrepreneur and pioneer Henry Mayo Newhall.  The Foundation’s endowment is the result of contributions from members of the Newhall family.

The Foundation’s purpose is to fund projects that exemplify the life and goals of Henry Mayo Newhall, as summarized in its mission statement: “To improve the quality of life within the geographical areas associated with the career and legacy of California pioneer Henry Mayo Newhall.”

Since its inception, the Foundation has awarded grants to more than 100 organizations in communities where Mr. Newhall originally established his businesses, or where those enterprises are active today.  The Foundation has focused its grant-giving on projects in the San Francisco area (where Mr. Newhall founded his first business ventures), the Valencia/Santa Clarita area in northern Los Angeles County (location of the Newhall Ranch), and the Santa Maria area on the Central California coast (the site of his first large rancho).

The Foundation Board meets on a regular basis to review and approve grant requests.

Newhall Foundation Giving $120K for College Scholarships