Monday, December 24, 2012

Bowman Students Connect to Success


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Thirty Bowman High School students attended the Valley Industry Association’s Connecting to Success conference in November, along with students from other Hart District high schools.

The field trip was an opportunity for students to interact with community and business leaders and to learn about the skills needed for successful employment.

Students engaged in small group discussions about financial literacy, ethics, and interview techniques that employers look for when hiring.

Bowman senior Jessica Barlow said that while she isn’t currently employed, “It will be easier to look for a future position, because I learned how to write a resume and how to interview properly.”

Student Daniel Duenas said, “The money session was helpful for me to plan how to build my credit and to invest for my retirement.”

Students heard Steve Graham of Chase Bank remind them about “Paying Yourself First” for savings and retirement.

bowman122112bThe featured speaker, Dan Williams of  Purpose 2 Purpose, was inspiring and captured all students with his presentation titled “Extreme Dream,”  Bowman work experience teacher Mike Nugent said.

The motivational speech included an inspirational story of 62-year-old Diana Nyrad attempting to swim 102 miles from Cuba to the United States, emphasizing that we should dream big and be persistent.

Bowman Students Connect to Success