Thursday, December 20, 2012

Make Paper Snowflakes for New Sandy Hook School Site

snowflakesAll Santa Clarita Valley students and their parents are invited to make and decorate snowflakes for the new Sandy Hook Elementary School location.

Karma Talent Management, which represents many young actors in the Santa Clarita Valley, and C.A.R.E. Learning Academy, have teamed up and answered the call from The National PSA and Connecticut PTSA by shipping decorative snowflakes to Connecticut on Thursday, January 3.

“Our goal is to collect 1,000 snowflakes from Santa Clarita residents to send to Connecticut.” said Marni Morse, School Director of C.A.R.E Academy.

“We know that no two snowflakes are alike, as are no two children; it can be any color: decorated or plain; large or small; paper or fabric–if you can create it, it can be sent,” said Karen D’Amico, co-owner of Karma Talent Management.

These Parent Teacher Associations have requested that children across the country create paper snowflakes to decorate “every inch” of their new elementary school location, where a “winter wonderland” will greet the students as they start school at brand new location, said Morse.

“Academically, making paper snowflakes will provide us a creative introduction to the science of snow, a subject with which our California kids are largely unfamiliar.” said Morse.“But, more importantly, this snowflake drive is a lesson and a chance for our kids to be compassionate citizens, to take an active part in doing for others, to be the change we all want to see in the world.”

Snowflakes can be dropped off at C.A.R.E. Learning Academy on 26370 Diamond Place by Jan. 2.

For more information contact C.A.R.E Learning Academy at or call 661-255-2223.

Make Paper Snowflakes for New Sandy Hook School Site