Monday, December 17, 2012

Hundreds Give Retiring City Manager a Hearty Send-off

pulskamp121412More than 400 people gathered Friday, Dec. 14, at the Santa Clarita Activities Center to wish a fond farewell to retiring City Manager Ken Pulskamp. The festivities included dinner, words from Pulskamp and several (past and present) City officials, a tribute video and an opportunity for guests to have their picture taken with Pulskamp.

Pulskamp has been with the City since 1988. He started as Assistant City Manager under original City Manager George Caravalho and was appointed City Manager in 2002.

Ken Pulskamp

Ken Pulskamp

The celebration was a trip through the history of Santa Clarita, beginning with its founding in 1987. Councilman Frank Ferry attributed the city’s success both financially and as a community to the dedication of the people in leadership.

“Most city managers only last about three years,” he said.

In addition to Council members Laurene Weste, Frank Ferry, Marsha McLean and Mayor Bob Kellar, former City Manager Caravalho and former Councilman Carl Boyer were present.

Hundreds Give Retiring City Manager a Hearty Send-off